Learning from God

You have started your relationship with Jesus...now what? Well the best way to get to know him and let him guide your life is through prayer and reading His Word. You might ask, "Where do I start? There are so many books?", or "What if I don't own a Bible?". Or, maybe you have been on this journey with Jesus for a while, but the Bible still seems so intimidating and you don't quite know where to start. Pine Valley Church wants to provide some resources to help you get this process started.

Step 1: Get a Bible

"Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face."- Ronald Reagan

You will want to get a Bible. Not all versions are the same, so you may want to start with a version that is in more simple language such as the New International Version (NIV) or The Message (MSG) versions. Don't have a Bible? Pine Valley Church wants to make sure that you have a Bible. 
Prefer to read the Bible online. Download a Bible app like YouVersion or download our app which has the Bible on it. And, you can stay up to date on all Pine Valley activities and watch sermons online. 

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Step  2: Read the Bible

But wait...where do I start? And, how do I read it? 

There are 66 books in the Bible. The Bible is broken up into two sections: Old Testament and New Testament. The Old Testament occurs first and shows us how the world began and how the people of Israel came to be. The New Testament comes after and documents how the world is saved through what Jesus did for his people.

We recommend that you ask God to help you understand as you read the Bible and that you may want to start with the Book of John. You can start in small increments by reading 5-15 minutes a day and work up to a chapter a day. After you have read, reflect on what you have read and ask God to show you how you might apply it to your life.

Pine Valley Church also offers life journals. If you are new to reading the Bible, this is a great way to log what you are reading and reflect on it.